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America First 2020 Republican Primaries Voter Guide TX & TN

America First 2020 Republican Primaries Voter Guide TX & TN

By JK Moore

My final personal recommendations for Republican primary candidates and constitutional amendments are in, as below:
My main motivation is to eliminate RINOs.
My guidance is based on the following main issues –
  • Election integrity, but with a focus on investigating and prosecuting voter fraud; without resolution to November 2020 elections, it will be very difficult to ever have free and fair elections again in this country.
  • Comprehensive elimination of corruption: support of Durham’s ongoing efforts to “drain the swamp” and furthermore, prosecution of pandemic-related crimes against humanity.
  • Border security, with an emphasis on states rights and immediate state action and resolution in light of federal inaction and treachery
  • dogged and continued exposure and prosecution of human, sex and child trafficking – inclusive of elite, popular and public figures.
  • Constitutionalism, government overreach and individual sovereignty, including prosecution of the true January 6 instigators and traitors and full and timely due process for innocent and framed political prisoners.
I am focused on strategy as well, yet for a primary, we can mostly vote our conscience, and straight for the best candidate, since at worst we’d be trying to force a run-off. Despite my unwavering support of Donald J Trump, I believe his endorsements represent the proper and necessary political manoeuvring and dealmaking to eliminate RINOs and build his coalition among likely winners. It is our duty to read between the lines to highlight and support the better, but less likely candidates that will even better support his mission, as articulated by his continuing support of the issues above.
I am very happy to report that based on the priorities above, that the candidates have differentiated themselves fairly clearly in almost all of these races. It’s fairly easy to tell when they articulate or ignore specifics on these crucial issues and points. It seems that in Texas we are blessed with candidates that are awakened to the corruption within our party and ready to fight for “We the People”.
Remember, I don’t have a monopoly on the truth. My picks represent my best judgement from the perspective and world view given above.
Lou Collins

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