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AREA 51: ‘I see aliens and was abducted at top-secret US military base’

Mike Oram who has penned the kids’ books The Strange World of Jimmy Hayes and The Zen of Ben claims he and wife Fran Oram were “taken” when they visited the mysterious US military top secret base Area 51 in Nevada.

Mr Oram told a conference to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Warminster mass UFO sightings he was a so-called alien contactee.

In 1965 the Wiltshire country town made global headlines and became a destination for UFO hunters following a huge amount of sightings of flying saucers, lights and eerie noises that “stopped cars” and “killed birds”.

Mr Oram, a speaker at the commemorative event, said: “I have had contact since I was a child and it still goes on.”

The Cockney claims to have a “space brother” an alien who watches over him like the so-called “spirit guides” which psychic mediums claim to contact.

He said he and his wife once saw an enormous “UFO mothership” on the border of Essex and London.

But the musician and landscape gardener claimed the most terrifying experience they suffered was after visiting the outskirts of Area 51 in the Nevada Desert during 2004.

Read more http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/602894/WARMINSTER-UFO-I-see-aliens-and-was-abducted-at-Area-51

Lou Collins