News Reels Episode 7
- News Reels, News Shows
- May 25, 2022
Pfizer Exploring Mutating COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Jeffrey A. Tucker Says the Gates Foundation Wanted Lockdowns Until Vaccines Were Ready Andrew Bridgen Something has been going seriously wrong in our country for several years and it has to stop FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a DoD Operation Dating Back to Obama The
READ MOREPermanent Climate Lockdowns The 15 Minute Cities Are Coming How They Plan to Take Your House the Agenda 2030 Wealth Transfer Horseman Jacinda Ardern is replaced by an equally brutal dictator who will hunt the unvaccinated Nigel Farage on GB News this evening discussing censorship of doctors who were successfully treating COVID patients with alternative
READ MORECNN Director says the stations next Covid is Climate Change Climate propaganda over the decades Ice Age propaganda from the 70’s 40C Fake alarmism Paul Burgess Aussies get ready for the Covid Super-jab Another vax death – Candice NY Department of Health Commissioner tries to justify falsifying paediatric Covid hospital admissions by claiming it was
READ MOREWho could be unlucky enough to dominate episode 13 I think we have an idea….
READ MOREYet again, no longer a conspiracy theory! Covid passes were never about health, they were about control. China just showed the world how it works! Clarkson on Vegetable Oil for Fuel Shattered wife relives the horrific moment her fit husband, 35, dropped dead in front of her Pfizer tells FDA in an online meeting they
READ MORELGBT Kid Grooming They’re not even hiding it anymore! Hawaii teacher arrested after raping a 13-year-old boy during lunch breaks. Prosecutors say the teacher recorded it and sent it to other teachers. Dumb ass thinks guys can have periods – its true cause google says so Take the rainbow back. Tucker goes scorched earth on