Risk increases significantly among fully vaxxed
Because of the threats now being made to give an experimental Covid-19 injection to children against the advice of the JCVI, and the confirmation that vaccine passports will be introduced in the United Kingdom from October, you’re probably not aware that Public Health England have released a report at precisely the same time which reveals 70% of Covid-19 deaths since February are people who had been vaccinated.
The report titled ‘SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England’, is the 22nd technical briefing on alleged variants of concern in the United Kingdom and makes for extremely interesting reading once you realise what the statistics are actually telling us.
PHE have compiled a helpful table which shows the number of alleged confirmed Delta variant cases in the UK alongside the number of alleged deaths due to the variant. The table shows that since the 1st February 2021 up to the 29th August 2021 there have been 492,528 alleged confirmed cases of the Delta variant. Of these 144,067 had been confirmed in the past 28 days alone.
The data shows that people who are not vaccinated account for just 44% of the alleged confirm Covid cases, whilst those who are fully vaccinated account for 23% of the alleged confirmed cases. A further 16% of the alleged cases are people who had received one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine at least 21 days prior to their alleged confirmed Covid-19 infection.

As you can see from the above table nearly twice as many people who are not vaccinated account for confirmed cases of Covid-19 than those who are fully vaccinated. However when you include the number to have received one dose of a Covid-19 injection the number of cases among the vaccinated group (222,693) actually surpasses the number that have been recorded among the unvaccinated population.
When the Covid-19 vaccines were given emergency use authorisation the authorities did not have a clue as to whether they would work. The limited trials carried out only measured whether or not a vaccinated person suffered serious disease if infected with Covid-19, they did not measure whether a vaccinated person could still become infected with Covid-19, and they did not measure whether or not a vaccinated person could still spread the virus in line with the mainstream accepted germ theory.
It is claimed that the vaccines reduce the chances of suffering serious illness if infected with Covid-19 significantly, so although the vaccinated population actually surpasses the number of infections recorded among the unvaccinated population you would assume that the opposite would be seen in the number of people who have allegedly died to the Delta variant?
Because we have been told time and time again that the Covid-19 vaccines are our only route back to normal and we must come forward, roll up our sleeves and get the jab when called upon to do so. So the vaccines must surely do what they say on the tin?
That must be why they are so desperate to give an experimental injection to children, even though they are already at negligible risk of suffering serious disease. Perhaps the latest Public Health England data shows that risk would be reduced to zero?
Unfortunately, it looks as if we have been lied to and instead of the Covid-19 vaccines being our route back to normal they are instead quite the opposite. Because the data published by Public Health England shows us that the number of alleged deaths due to the Delta variant are not just higher among those who have received two doses of the Covid-19 vaccine, they are astronomically higher.

The total number of deaths to have occurred since February 2021 involving the Delta Covid-19 variant that have been linked to vaccination status total 1,698. Of these just 30% have been among the unvaccinated population, despite the fact most second vaccinations were administered between April and June.
Whereas fully vaccinated account for 64.25% of Covid-19 deaths since February 2021, and when including the partly vaccinated in those numbers they account for 70%. However, it’s important to note that many of the deaths that occurred in the partly vaccinated population may have actually been people who had received two doses of a Covid-19 injection due to the fact PHE does not regard them as having had two doses if it has not been two weeks since they had the second dose.
But what does this mean in terms of the risk of death if infected with the Delta Covid-19 variant? Well it means the risk of death increases significantly in those who have been fully vaccinated.
536 deaths have occurred among 219,716 confirmed cases in the unvaccinated population since February. This is a case fatality rate of 0.2%.
Whereas 1,091 deaths have occurred among 113,823 cases among the fully vaccinated population. This is a case fatality rate of 1%.
This means the Covid-19 injections seem to be increasing the risk of death due to Covid-19 by 400% rather than reducing the risk of death by 95% as claimed by the vaccine manufacturers, Public Health bodies, and the Government, and now they want to give this experimental, deadly treatment to your children.
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