“Most of the activities can be used to explore any type of human relationship – familial, friendship, romantic and/or sexual and are suitable for young people of all ages.”
I will allow you to draw your own conclusions from this statement.
Within the chapter summary there are four sections that are discussed;
* Taking care of me
* Taking care of you
* Having an equal say
* Learning as we go
They speak about taking care of their bodies, managing risk and relationship conflict and how to ‘negotiate’ consent. They are teaching a sex positive curriculum and then teaching them how to manage risk and conflict? This is a contradiction in terms. Remember these are children, the part of the brain responsible for managing risk, reward and danger isn’t anywhere near formed. The pre-frontal cortex, as previously discussed isn’t properly developed until mid-twenties. No further explanation needed.
‘Negotiating consent’ is also mentioned again in this chapter, and many other times within this resource. We NEVER teach children negotiation skills where sex is concerned! This is a HUGE safeguarding issue and one doesn’t need to be an expert to understand this. Can I just highlight that in fact, they are teaching children from age THREE how to ‘consent’ in schools – Nobody is allowed to touch you UNLESS you say so – kind of approach. Within the framework for this education in the WHO document is states within the the Matrix section from page 37 – ‘know what feels good, listen to your body’ . I highly recommend you all read this document, which demonstrates what this education aims to achieve and at what age range, starting from birth. It proceeds with the information fed into the child and the skills, attitudes and behaviours that the child will acquire from it. Allow me to put this into practice for you.
A pedophile will never approach a victim with aggression, that’s not how they work. They will always be calm, charismatic, very friendly and helpful. They need to gain trust from their victim. If they approached the victim all guns blazing in an aggressive manner, the alarm would be raised immediately. This is why most sexual abuse victims are familiar with their abuser, around 90% of child sex abuse cases are usually committed by a family member, family friend, or close acquaintance like a teacher or a sports coach for example. It’s called being ‘groomed’ and it’s very common unfortunately. Even to the point that the victim believes they’re in love with their abuser – that’s how sinister it is and how problematic it can be when it comes to prosecution.
So, for example, if we’re teaching little children how to consent, the abuser will request it and the child will freely give it without any knowledge or understanding. They would gently tickle the victim perhaps, on the arm or under the chin, and ask “does that feel nice?” to which the child will obviously and innocently reply “yes” – we all like to be tickled, it’s not a bad feeling and it isn’t painful. Let’s take that further now. I apologise for this, it’s very uncomfortable for me to type and you to read but I need to you to understand why this is so incredibly dangerous. Does it hurt if our genitalia is stroked or tickled? No it doesn’t. Does it feel ‘nice?’ – yes it does. So in the context of a child who doesn’t have the mental capacity to understand what is going on, do you think they’ll think they’re being abused or something bad is happening to them? Especially when they’ve been told to ‘listen to their body’ and to ‘know what FEELS good’. This is ‘consent’ in practice. Please watch this extremely disturbing video of a six year old child giving ‘consent’ to sexual experiences with her own father! This particular clip is at 25 minutes into this presentation but the whole video is a must watch. Also please watch this video of the founder of P.I.E (pedophile information exchange) Tom O Carroll and how he describes what he considers as ‘consent’ from a ten year old and how ‘consent’ from a four year old is apparently communicated via ‘enthusiasm’.
The last point ‘Learning as we go’ constitutes nothing more than an experimental approach. Your children are being used as experimental lab rats with a hyper sexualised curriculum within the classroom and 95% of the population have absolutely no idea, even though they can see the result of this utter lunacy everywhere around them.
In the ‘points to consider’ section before the activities educators are reminded to ‘Make sure you don’t reinforce heteronormative assumptions’……Use inclusive language such as ‘partner’ rather than boyfriend/girlfriend and ‘parent’ rather than mums or dads….and avoid using phrases such as ‘when you get married/when you have a family’
In a previous blog “Educate and Devastate” I analysed another resource for schools called ‘How to turn your school into an LGBT+ friendly place’ written by Elly Barnes whereby it is stated on more than one occasion that they aim to ‘smash heteronormativity’ – as we can see here, this seems to also be the intention within this resource too. It has always been about destroying the nuclear family and transhumanism, which this is a huge part of. They have already achieved part of their goal unfortunately, understanding that the way to change societies attitudes and behaviours can only be achieved through the younger generations.
The first activity in this section is called ‘Relationship boundary maps’ and it’s targeted for students aged eleven plus. Incredulously they speak about students sex lives with other people, whether or not they’re in an ‘open relationship’ and if they want to experiment sexually and with more than one person.
In an activity titled ‘Romance or Red Flags’ for age thirteen plus a list of examples are given which students have to consider in which applies for either a green light (romance) or a red flag (risk) which include; A big age gap, Sending nudes to each other, Showing nudes of partner to friends, Having enjoyable sex and using messaging to chat about sex and what they want to do with a partner. Please remember all of this is being prompted and discussed with an adult (the educator).
Section 2 – ‘Taking care of you’ for eleven plus asks participants to write down words or phrases they would use to describe each relationship including; Friends with benefits and sexual relationships. Students are asked to share their thoughts with the group. Please see below examples of ‘Digital dilemmas – scenarios for participants’ for age fourteen plus students.

* ‘Men should never walk away from a fight’ could be replaced with: ‘Nobody needs to fight to prove themselves whatever their gender’.
* ‘Men should open doors for women’ could be replaced with ‘Acts of kindness don’t need to be gendered’.
* ‘Girls who have a lot of sex are sluts’ could be replaced with ‘It’s ok to have and enjoy sex whatever your gender. What matters is that the sex is consensual and mutually enjoyable for all involved’.
Can I just remind the reader that this activity is aimed at ages eleven plus. Not only are they suggesting that a traditional gentleman opening doors for a woman is ‘sexist’ but that it’s absolutely fine to have as much sex as you like, so long as it’s ‘consensual’. We discussed how dangerous it is to teach consent to minors in earlier chapters and at the beginning of this blog. That aside, these are children aged ELEVEN. Age of ‘consent’ in the UK is sixteen. It goes on to ask that participants work in small groups to brainstorm all the unwritten rules they can think of for relationships including romantic relationships, family relationships and casual sexual relationships.
In order to express how to consent, an activity provided by the Sex Education Forum – a website referenced widely within this resource, uses pets as a way to discuss and open up ‘gentle conversations’ about consent and safe touch. There is no ‘safe touch’ where minors are concerned and we’ve previously discussed the dangers in teaching them negotiation skills. Nevertheless, they’re insistent throughout this publication that consent is both safe and necessary. If they were teaching the consequence of consent during these adolescent years it would be a different story, but they are not.
Asking questions like: ‘How do you know if your pet wants petting?’ and ‘How do you know HOW to pet them?’ and making it comparable to sexual context in humans is astonishing. Students are encouraged to watch a Youtube video called ‘Tea and consent’ as a starting point for inspiration, although they admit it can be ‘problematic’ as it explains consent as a passive activity (being given or receiving tea) rather than an ‘active process of continuous negotiation’. The following activity is called ‘The Phone Game’ in which participants practice identifying when consent has, or has not, been negotiated.
Towards the end of this chapter an activity for thirteen year old’s called ‘Digital romance’ divides children into four groups who are each assigned one of the following relationship practices:
* Flirting and getting together
* Sending nude or sexual images
* Communicating in relationships
* Breaking up and surviving post breakup
All of these are adult relationship practices! I understand that in this technical online world that we’re living in that safeguarding children is paramount and they need to be aware of the very real dangers, but despite popular belief, children are not being taught the consequence of online dangers. Nothing online is censored from children, nothing. It’s almost like they want children to be exposed……..they definitely do – I can assure you of that. If perverted groomers and influencers such as Jeffrey Marsh and Dylan Mulvaney are allowed to freely roam across social media platforms, enticing children into their private messenger is not censored – but I am, for pointing out the dangers of it, then we can say with absolute certainty that it’s purposeful and intentional, as is with pornography use too. They could easily take it down! They don’t want to, and therefore their logic behind it, is to teach children all about it because ‘they’ll see it anyway’ – absolutely disgusting, this is not safeguarding children, it’s putting them directly in harms way and it seems that nobody at the top wants to do a thing about it. After all, the sex industry is worth a lot of money, as well as the ability to blackmail people caught up within it. It’s extremely powerful indeed. They even state to make sure not to suggest that using technology is risky!
On a self reflection worksheet aimed at eleven year old’s regarding communicating online and offline harms, participants are directed to find space alone to fill out the worksheet which may have constituted either a positive or a negative experience. Some of the examples to be circled include: Talked about sex, got naked, had a sexual experience and felt turned on – in amongst: Talked about hopes and dreams, laughed until your belly hurt and talked about something that worried you.
Notice how these inappropriate terms are thrown in among innocent ones – this is incredibly sinister and sickening, remember this is an activity aimed at eleven year old’s!
While I was writing this blog, a review was released by conservative MP Miriam Cates which is paramount to this whole agenda. I strongly advise that you read this review to see what is actually being taught to your innocent children without your knowledge or consent, you can read the review here. The publication that this blog is based upon is included within the review, along with another resource in which I based a previous blog upon ‘Educate and devastate’ – analysing Elly Barnes’ ‘How to transform your school into an LGBTQ+ friendly place’
References of interest at the end of chapter three are:
End of Chapter Three…..
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