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Podcast-athon 3 Cardiff 29-30 April 2023

Podcast-athon 3 Cardiff 29-30 April 2023

Yes we are doing it for a third time. Myself, Kat, Rick and Jason will be podcasting for 30+ hours in aid of Public Child Protection WalesFUNDRAISER

In 2017 our UK governments signed up to a global education that came from the World Health Association. The Document claims children are sexual from birth and the matrix (from page 38) includes early childhood masturbation and exploring gender identities from age 0. An additional framework was implemented to replace the WHO document, this came from UNESCO 2018 document -‘Revised International Guidance on Sexuality Education’ .  Please refer to this section of our Website for more information.

So how does this link to the current R.S.E (Relationship and Sexuality Education)?

The RSE is a mandatory element of ‘The Curriculum and Assessment Act 2021’, educators are required to refer to the above Unesco document for guidance. In addition you may have seen on your school website links to the United Nations/UNESCO and/or organisations such as Brooks or Stonewall

We are a not-for-Profit organisation who came together in July 2020 and our current campaign ‘Education Our Say Our Way’ is fighting to remove RSE.

Our extensive research and fields of expertise have led us to investigate  the history behind this Comprehensive Sexuality Education and have given us a huge insight into the nature of the current education taking place in 52 countries where it has already been passed.

For the last year we have sent out numerous emails, messages and had conversations with members of the Senedd and local authorities. Our concerns were ignored. We therefore have no choice but to take this further. We are raising funds to facilitate a court case; concerned parents in wales will be taking the Welsh Government to court for allowing this into our curriculum, with little or no consultation from the public, more importantly Parents. An education that does not fit with the vast majority of parents’ religious and philosophical beliefs, while putting children in danger; providing them with adult ideologies and vigorously promoting Sexual Freedom.


We have all the resources to challenge this and a first-class legal team.

However we need the funds and public awareness to make this happen.


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Lou Collins

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  • Pat Mc Ginley
    April 6, 2023, 7:48 am

    When our rulers allow child abuse to go unpunished, it’s no surprise it becomes endemic in the wider society. There’s still no prospect of justice for the many victims of UK VIP paedophilia. When Theresa May was Home Secretary she said the VIP paedophilia was "just the tip of the iceberg", then quickly joined in the cover-up. One hundred and fourteen Home Office files on VIP paedophilia went "missing". UK state broadcaster BBC used a Panorama program to demonise the victims as ‘liars’ while the other UK puppet media demonised the victims as ‘fantasist’s’. Then, a farcical succession of three ‘top’ judges and a farcical, phantom ‘inquiry’. Then, nothing. Welcome to ‘justice’ UK style! Keep up your great work