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  • Teacher Investigated For Teaching The Creation Story

    Teacher Investigated For Teaching The Creation Story0

    Ths week a school in Wales was in the news accused of actively promoting evangelical Christianity to its pupils. The National Secular Society (NSS) has raised concerns that the headteacher at Llanidloes High School in Powys is using school resources to heavily indoctrinate children by surrounding them with quotes from the bible even as part

  • The Way, The Truth And The Light -Sid Cordle

    The Way, The Truth And The Light -Sid Cordle0

    Now more than ever we are seeing people turing to Jesus. Sid Cordle of The Christian Peoples Alliance jpins me to discuss the church and same sex marraiges and the satanioc ritauls being played out on millions of TVs worldwide. The Way, The Truth And The Light -Sid Cordle | RSS.com

  • Children 1st – Kinsey, Hefner And Planned Parenthood

    Children 1st – Kinsey, Hefner And Planned Parenthood0

    Kathryn and I take a look at the porn industry and make the connections to, Planned Parenthood, Hugh Hefner and Alfred Kinsey. To support Public Child Protection Wales  click HERE Listen On Apple Podcasts Listen On Spotify Listen On RSS Children 1st – Kinsey, Hefner And Planned Parenthood | RSS.com