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  • Roy Davies Things To Come

    Roy Davies Things To Come0

    Delighted the Welsh Wizard aka Roy Davies is back on the show with more geopolitical analysis.  (I do apologies for the poor sound quality on the audio link.  Rick is having a well earned rest and we wanted to get the show out today for you.) Follow Roy on Telegram  https://t.me/Royboy17th Follow Liberty Tactics on

  • Round 2 Podcast-athon 5th – 6th November 2022

    Round 2 Podcast-athon 5th – 6th November 20221

    We are doing it again.  Rick, Kathryn, Jason and myself will be broadcasting for 30 hours to raise awareness and funds for Public Child Protection Wales With the judicial review at Cardiff Court on the 15th and 16th November, we are going to try and get the fundraiser total up and inspire people to come

  • The 2 Storms – Roy Davies

    The 2 Storms – Roy Davies0

    Our Roys breakdown of the 2 storms currently hitting the deep state. * The 2020 election in the USA was a digital Pearl Harbour. * Has 45 ever conceded that election? NO. * The mid terms will not take place. * Know that Anons were born for this period. There is no leaving this global