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  • Roy Davies Is Back

    Roy Davies Is Back2

    Roy has had a break for a month but we had a catch up yesterday and I decided to hot the record button. He will back regular in the coming few weeks. Roy Davies – A Quick Chat | RSS.com

  • Podcast-athon 3 Cardiff 29-30 April 2023

    Podcast-athon 3 Cardiff 29-30 April 20231

    Yes we are doing it for a third time. Myself, Kat, Rick and Jason will be podcasting for 30+ hours in aid of Public Child Protection Wales.  FUNDRAISER In 2017 our UK governments signed up to a global education that came from the World Health Association. The Document claims children are sexual from birth and the

  • REVIVAL – Dr Chan Abraham

    REVIVAL – Dr Chan Abraham0

    I am so humbled to be joined by Dr Chan Abraham. Dr Chan is a business and thought leader, social entrepreneur, author, broadcaster, church planter and pastor. Dr Chan WEBSITE THE HERITAGE PARTY REVIVAL – Dr Chan Abraham | RSS.com