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  • Educate and Devastate

    Educate and Devastate1

    “We provide LGBT+ inclusion training to ensure that you meet all of your Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) objectives for staff, support staff, leadership teams, governors, trainee teachers, student workshops, youth networks, CPD days and an Award Programme. Plus an extensive range of resources for all key stages in nurseries, schools, colleges and Universities in

  • Great Relationships and Sex Education – Part Two – “Creating Dangerous Spaces”0

    Following on from the introduction we move onto “creating safer spaces” as per the resource discussed in this blog. This is where the activities begin, which are lesson plans for educators to use with their students. Again, the importance of educators working with students is highlighted in order to be able to “work together to

  • Great Relationships and Sex Education – Part one (Introduction)

    Great Relationships and Sex Education – Part one (Introduction)0

    “Great Relationships and Sex Education is an innovative and accessible guide for educators who work with young people to create and deliver Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) programmes. Developed by two leading experts in the field, it contains hundreds of creative activities and session ideas that can be used both by experienced RSE educators and