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  • Kimberley And Lucia Reflect On Momentous Week For PCP Wales

    Kimberley And Lucia Reflect On Momentous Week For PCP Wales0

    2 days after the incredible day at Cardiff Court on the final day of Public Child Protection Wales Vs Welsh Government Kimberley and Lucia reflect on all the events of Tuesday and Wednesday this week. You can still donate to the fundraiser

  • Male Fertility Declining At An Accelerated Pace Study Shows

    Male Fertility Declining At An Accelerated Pace Study Shows0

    (LifeSiteNews) — A new study shows male fertility declining at a concerning rate, leading experts to emphasize the need for further research to understand the cause of this international crisis.  Released this week, the research found a significant decrease in both sperm concentration and total sperm count. Data was collected from studies conducted between 2014 and

  • The 2 Storms – Roy Davies

    The 2 Storms – Roy Davies0

    Our Roys breakdown of the 2 storms currently hitting the deep state. * The 2020 election in the USA was a digital Pearl Harbour. * Has 45 ever conceded that election? NO. * The mid terms will not take place. * Know that Anons were born for this period. There is no leaving this global