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  • GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+

    GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+1

    I was snooping on the GCHQ website and was stunned to find the British Security Services have fallen in line with the WOKE agenda. An article from the 23rd June entitled “Giant LGBT+ inspired artwork unveiled to celebrate Turing legacy“gives a detailed account of Alan Turing  and his accomplishments and how he is the father

  • The Podcast-athon 2022 – All 3 parts

    The Podcast-athon 2022 – All 3 parts0

    30 hours broadcasting, awake for 72 hours, taken down on every platform.

  • Children 1st – Daily

    Children 1st – Daily1

    Kathryn and I start our new Children 1st Daily. With updates from Wales along with the latest from the drag queen story hour tour and around up of the trafficking stories and arrests globally. Please if you can spare some loose change and donate to  Public Child Protection WalesPublic Child Protection Wales