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  • Children 1st Exclusive – Kimberley Isherwood

    Children 1st Exclusive – Kimberley Isherwood1

    Kimberley gives the 1st interview since the court case last week in Cardiff, where 5 brave parents have taken on The Welsh Government over the RSE curriculum that has been rolled out to 52 countries. Follow Public Child Protection Wales Please Support The fundraiser

  • Round 2 Podcast-athon 5th – 6th November 2022

    Round 2 Podcast-athon 5th – 6th November 20221

    We are doing it again.  Rick, Kathryn, Jason and myself will be broadcasting for 30 hours to raise awareness and funds for Public Child Protection Wales With the judicial review at Cardiff Court on the 15th and 16th November, we are going to try and get the fundraiser total up and inspire people to come

  • GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+

    GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+1

    I was snooping on the GCHQ website and was stunned to find the British Security Services have fallen in line with the WOKE agenda. An article from the 23rd June entitled “Giant LGBT+ inspired artwork unveiled to celebrate Turing legacy“gives a detailed account of Alan Turing  and his accomplishments and how he is the father