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  • Prince Andrew Jubilee Song To Hit Number 1

    Prince Andrew Jubilee Song To Hit Number 10

    A fabulous song has been released to celebrate the lizard queens birthday and it is a tribute to her favourite child Prince I don’t sweat Andrew. The same Prince who is friends with a child trafficker, abuser and rapist.  The same Prince who sexually abused a young child, the same prince who claims he does

  • Findings 67 – Child Spies, Suez Canal, Idiocracy & FOI  25-3-21

    Findings 67 – Child Spies, Suez Canal, Idiocracy & FOI 25-3-210

    Jammed pack show tonight, we find a new law about to be passed, which will allow police and government to traffic and abuse children without fear of prosecution. FOI reveals the Queens properties are excempt from police or government searches.  Evergreen blocks the Suez, Evergreen is also Hilary Clintons Secret Service code. Hmmmm   Jason