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  • Children 1st – George Sandhu – The Porn Industry

    Children 1st – George Sandhu – The Porn Industry0

    George joins Kathryn with a special on the Porn Industry, tonight they review the late great Judith Reisman’s books and the very serious dangers of the porn industry.  Donate to the £3 challenge HERE Subscribe to Public Child Protection Wales Visit Kathryn’s website Here Children 1st – George Sandhu – Porn Addiction | RSS.com You

  • Male Fertility Declining At An Accelerated Pace Study Shows

    Male Fertility Declining At An Accelerated Pace Study Shows0

    (LifeSiteNews) — A new study shows male fertility declining at a concerning rate, leading experts to emphasize the need for further research to understand the cause of this international crisis.  Released this week, the research found a significant decrease in both sperm concentration and total sperm count. Data was collected from studies conducted between 2014 and

  • GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+

    GCHQ Celebrate LGBTQ+1

    I was snooping on the GCHQ website and was stunned to find the British Security Services have fallen in line with the WOKE agenda. An article from the 23rd June entitled “Giant LGBT+ inspired artwork unveiled to celebrate Turing legacy“gives a detailed account of Alan Turing  and his accomplishments and how he is the father