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  • News Reels Episode 13

    News Reels Episode 130

    Who could be unlucky enough to dominate episode 13 I think we have an idea….

  • The UK Sex Education Trail

    The UK Sex Education Trail0

    RSE is CSE. Comprehensive Sexuality Education. We’ve all been misled. From page 174 is the study in England & the reference to the UK agreeing to take part in the global roll out of sex ed (2017) it states the research conducted in England but applies to the UK. Page 8 informs it was the

  • News Reels Episode 11

    News Reels Episode 110

    LGBT Kid Grooming They’re not even hiding it anymore! Hawaii teacher arrested after raping a 13-year-old boy during lunch breaks. Prosecutors say the teacher recorded it and sent it to other teachers. Dumb ass thinks guys can have periods – its true cause google says so Take the rainbow back. Tucker goes scorched earth on