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  • The Big Guns – A 2 Part Show Brian Gerrish Clive de Carle and DJ Slip Matt

    The Big Guns – A 2 Part Show Brian Gerrish Clive de Carle and DJ Slip Matt0

    A great show in 2 parts, DJ SlipMatt co-hosts with me as we speak in part 1 to Brian Gerrish about the state of the nation. In part 2 Clive de Carle joins us to look at solutions we can take, to keep us healthy. Part 1 Part 2 ClivedeCarle.com www.ukcolumn.org www.slipmatt.net

  • Government Nudge Unit Under Investigation

    Government Nudge Unit Under Investigation0

    MPs are launching an investigation into the government’s Nudger Unit over the “grossly unethical” fear tactics used during the plandemic. A group of psychologists wrote to The Parliament’s Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee, warning that a team of civil servants dedicated to “nudging” public behaviour during the pandemic were unaccountable and unethical. The letter’s

  • Dave Laity – Update On ICC and Met Criminal Cases

    Dave Laity – Update On ICC and Met Criminal Cases1

    Dave Laity with update on Mark Sexton and Michael O’Bernicia cases and advice on how to approach the police to assist in closing down the stab centres. Below are links to all you need when you see the police Notice of Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg Code Public Notice 19/01/2022 case 6029679/21 And here is an