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  • News Reels Episode 12

    News Reels Episode 120

    Yet again, no longer a conspiracy theory! Covid passes were never about health, they were about control. China just showed the world how it works! Clarkson on Vegetable Oil for Fuel Shattered wife relives the horrific moment her fit husband, 35, dropped dead in front of her Pfizer tells FDA in an online meeting they

  • Roe v Wade, The 2nd Amendment – Brent Hamachek Explains

    Roe v Wade, The 2nd Amendment – Brent Hamachek Explains0

    Delighted that Human Events Editor Brent Hamachek returns.  Brent breaks down the history of Roe v Wade and the leak from the Supreme Court.  And we discuss the importance of the 2nd amendment and why the left are desperate to disarm the people.     Follow Brent at HUMAN EVENTS  

  • The Good Life – The POX

    The Good Life – The POX0

    Clive is back with a wealth of common sense and vital knowledge. We discuss Clives sudden flurry of big name guests and interviews.  And what exactly is the POX ? For all things good and healthy visit Clive’s  website