The Wonders Of Homeopathy - Marie McLoughlin
- Great Guests, Health, Podcasts
- March 27, 2023
Sandi is back with a recap on why we the public need to be responding to the governments consultation. Please see below for the form that needs to be completed by March 1st 2023. COMPLETE GOV SURVEY HERE SANDI WEBSITE Sandi Adams |
READ MOREDelighted to finally have Sandi on Liberty Tactics, this is the 1st of a series of shows on the planned roll out of a national digital i.d in December 2023. Sandi Adams – Digital I.D Coming December 2023 | Below are the links you need to complete the consultation. Sandi briefly goes over the
READ MOREBy Kimberley Isherwood A WELSH court has recently agreed to demands by lawyers acting for Cardiff’s Labour government to force four working-class mothers and a single father to pay massive legal bills; the courageous five lost a judicial review case last month over Wales’s policy of teaching children as young as three about sex and
READ MOREDelighted that Kimberley joined Kath and I with an update on Public Child Protection Wales Legal costs are mounting, if you are able to support these incredible parents please donate HERE You can follow our Kathryns Blog Here Children 1st – Kimberley Isherwood | Follow us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
READ MORERoy is back with his final review of 2022 and his ponderings for 2023. Roy Davies – Review and Ponderings | Follow Roy on Telegram
READ MOREThe beautiful prophet Julie Green joins me today to deep dive on the enemy and how they are targeting our children. So thankful and blessed that Julie came on and actually stayed for an extra half hour. Follow JGM International