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  • Deborah Williams – Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

    Deborah Williams – Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming0

    I am so humbled to speak with Pastor and Prophet the beautiful Deborah Williams. I found Deborah on YouTube where she was giving a prophetic word, I immediately felt so connected with her. Followers know me. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. So a week or so ago after watching Deborah’s latest video, I

  • News Reels Episode 11

    News Reels Episode 110

    LGBT Kid Grooming They’re not even hiding it anymore! Hawaii teacher arrested after raping a 13-year-old boy during lunch breaks. Prosecutors say the teacher recorded it and sent it to other teachers. Dumb ass thinks guys can have periods – its true cause google says so Take the rainbow back. Tucker goes scorched earth on

  • Let Our Children Go – Terri And Mark Stemann

    Let Our Children Go – Terri And Mark Stemann0

    I am very lucky to have been connected with such a fabulous and brave lady, Terri Stemann, and I am so grateful to be her friend. On this show, Terri and her husband Mark, a veteran, tell their story of how all 7 of their children were stolen by the the CPS, Terri and Mark