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    Lou Collins

    Lou is the founder of Liberty Tactics & has been exposing the crimes of the deep state for over a decade & is a true champion of the children & the Truth!!!

Author's Posts

  • The Good Life – Change Your Vibration In 48 hours – Clive de Carle

    The Good Life – Change Your Vibration In 48 hours – Clive de Carle0

    I had to do a show today, after having months of feeling depressed, anxious, tired and unmotivated. With in the last 48 hours, I have completely flipped 180, I feel great and the only thing that I can account for is the introduction of certain supplements. A must-listen show. Clive de Carle Products https://clivedecarle.ositracker.com/190471/11489 The

  • Children 1st – Introducing Teddy

    Children 1st – Introducing Teddy0

    This week the Telegraph published a story entitled “Transgender teddy bears used to ‘indoctrinate’ children aged 10” This article states that primary school children are being taught about being in the wrong body with the help of a book called Introducing Teddy. The book and lessons are being provided by a charity run by a