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  • Globalists Bypass The French Yet Again

    Globalists Bypass The French Yet Again0

    Once again, the French people are robbed of a sovereign leader & MAGA supporter Marine Le Pen. Globalist Bilderberg puppet Emmanuel Macron declares himself “Everyone’s President” as he claims 58.8% of the Vote. Yeah, right like the French or the world don’t know what’s going on here. As with the US presidential Elections this writer

  • CULT OF THE SERPENT Feat. Josh Reid (Truth Warrior)

    CULT OF THE SERPENT Feat. Josh Reid (Truth Warrior)0

    An absolutely cracking interview with David Whitehead & Josh Reid discussing the Watch The Water Interview… What’s really going on with all this snake venom talk? “The cult thrives on maintaining strict harmonious beliefs in attitude, opinions and behavior…” My site: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com Watch the new CULT OF THE MEDICS trailer: https://cultofthemedics.com/ + RISE ATTIRE’S OFFICIAL

  • RT Live Feed

    RT Live Feed0

    Since RT has been scrubbed completely from the mainstream sources here in the UK we thought viewers had the right to both sides of the news & are perfectly capable of making their own minds up. RT LIVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IFAcqaNzNSc Check out http://rt.com Like us on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RTnews Follow us on VK https://vk.com/rt_international Follow us on