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Teacher Investigated For Teaching The Creation Story

Teacher Investigated For Teaching The Creation Story

Ths week a school in Wales was in the news accused of actively promoting evangelical Christianity to its pupils.

The National Secular Society (NSS) has raised concerns that the headteacher at Llanidloes High School in Powys is using school resources to heavily indoctrinate children by surrounding them with quotes from the bible even as part of scientific posters and teaching materials. He is accused of directing pupils to the evangelistic ‘Alpha’ Christian course.

Photographs of school planners provided to pupils reveal an advice page, entitled ‘Help in Time of Need’, which includes sections on suicide, sex, and abuse. The page solely refers to verses from the Bible. These verses include advice that children “flee from sexual immorality”, “flee the evil desires of youth”, and that those who look at women “lustfully” have already “committed adultery” in their heart.

Photographs also show displays at the school combining science and geography content with quotes from the Bible raising concerns his teaching is creationist.

One display of marine life features the quotation: “God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing”. Another, representing the solar system, includes the quote: “Great are the works of the Lord, studied by all who delight in them”.

The NSS has written to the Welsh Government requesting that new guidance be issued explicitly prohibiting the promotion or teaching of creationism as an alternative scientific theory. It also called for an investigation into the evangelism at Llanidloes High School.

The school’s headteacher, Dan Owen, is also a leader at the nearby Newtown Evangelical Church. The church’s website claims it has a “very special duty to preach the Gospel to every living person”, and to take “the Gospel to all nations”. The website also states repentance should be “preached and pressed” upon “all men”.

Stephen Evans, chief executive of the National Secular Society, said: “Promoting creationism is entirely without educational justification, and actively undermines teaching about evidence-based theories such as evolution, as well as children’s critical thinking skills.

“The extensive campaign of evangelism at Llanidloes High School is a gross violation of the trust which should exist between pupils, parents, and staff.

“Significant school time and resources have been expended on efforts to inculcate the religious ideology of the headteacher.

“The Welsh Government must urgently investigate Llanidloes High School, and introduce measures explicitly prohibiting the promotion of creationism.”

When approached a Welsh Government spokesman said: “Schools are required to teach science including evolution at an early age to help lay the foundations for a better understanding of wider scientific concepts and formation of the universe.

“Religion, Values and Ethics (RVE) curriculum requires learners to be engaged with a range of views and beliefs commonly held in society.

“Community schools are not permitted to have a religious leaning and we are in discussions with the relevant local authority.”

Powys Council are also unhappy saying: “The council will be taking these concerns seriously and are in discussions with the Welsh Government.

“All schools in the county are required to follow the Curriculum of Wales Framework and supporting guidance including the Religion, values and ethics (RVE) guidance as RVE is a statutory requirement of the Curriculum for Wales.”

Via Wales On Line


Lou Collins

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