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Failed child sex abuse inquiry members trousered more than £150,000

Members of a failed inquiry into historic child sex abuse shared more than £150,000, SunNation can reveal.

The massive sum of taxpayer’s cash was handed to people who sat on the chaotic probe – without producing any public findings.

It was set up by Home Secretary Theresa May in July 2014 to investigate how state institutions failed to protect kids from paedophiles in the wake of the Jimmy Savile scandal.

But it collapsed in farce seven months later after the first two chairs – Baroness Butler-Sloss and Fiona Woolf – were forced to resign amid links to the establishment.

During that time an eight-strong panel, along with a lawyer and adviser, held a series of hearings but their findings have not been made public.

Instead they have handed a report to Mrs May – who pledged it would be a private document to help a new probe led by New Zealand judge Dame Lowell Goddard which began work in July.

Only two of the original eight panel members have been retained on the new inquiry, while former adviser Alexis Jay has become a panel member.

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Lou Collins