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Hard Hitting TRUTH About The Porn Industry

Hard Hitting TRUTH About The Porn Industry

A excerpt from the incredible research done by our Kathryn at Exposing The Lie

The first connection to sex education I came across was also the most devastating. Alfred Kinsey – quoted as the “Father of the Sexual Revolution”. I wrote a blog on Alfred Kinsey and the Sexual Revolution last year, which you can find here. I won’t go into detail on Kinsey in this blog, but I will briefly summarize his research to give an understanding for why it’s so relevant.”

In short, Alfred Kinsey was responsible for two “science” publications that shook the world back in 1948 and 1953 respectively. Kinsey and his team from the Kinsey Institute, Indiana University, collected case histories from eighteen thousand men and women about their sexuality. He published this data in “Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male” firstly in 1948, followed by “Sexual Behaviour in the Human Female” in 1953. Apparently, from this research, he had established that men and women were far more sexually active and promiscuous in reality, that many men engaged in homosexual acts, many men had premarital and extramarital affairs, and that sexual freedom, exhibitionism, and voyeurism should be celebrated. He stated that ALL sexual “urges” were natural and should be acted upon for “sexual health”, and that everybody should engage in as much sex as possible with both sexes. As did he, a closet homosexual, and a perverted sadomasochist.”

How does this tie into today’s society? It was Kinsey’s research that kick started the “sexual revolution” back in the 1950’s. This also meant that pornography was about to hit the minds of millions and millions of men all across America, and subsequently, the world.

A young man in his twenties named Hugh Hefner came across “The Kinsey Reports” and was inspired by what he read. Whether he actually read the whole publication is unknown, but he obviously felt that he knew enough to establish himself as a pornographer.

Until the “Kinsey Reports” Hugh Hefner was an average American guy – sexually inexperienced at 18 years old – had “never touched a drink in his life, never smoked, never swore, and was a virgin”. The first time he “made love” was at age 22, to his fiancé, Millie.

It was the Kinsey Report that aroused his interest in sex as a subject of legitimate study, rather than the source of considerable frustration in his courtship of Millie. He began avidly reading medical journals, nudist magazines, marriage guidance handbooks, books on sex law, and any work with a vaguely erotic or pornographic content. That summer, Millie acquiesced to his urgent pleading to “go the whole way”. Hefner said:

“Church-State Legislation has made common criminals of us all. Dr Alfred Kinsey has estimated that if the sex laws of the United States were conscientiously enforced, over 90% of the adult population would be in prison. A sexually hypocritical society is an unhealthy society that produces more than its share of perversion, neurosis, psychosis, unsuccessful marriage, divorce and suicide. Shame and suppression in the early years of life and you will reap frustration, frigidity, impotence, masochism, and sadism”.

However, in the post Kinsey/Hefner era, every one of these measures are documented as escalating dramatically. The 90% statistic comes from Kinsey’s “sample”, who were largely sexual deviants, homosexual activists, imprisoned sex criminals and pedophiles. Hefner said that Playboy was “filling a publishing need only slightly less important than one just taken care of by the Kinsey Report”. Sex wasn’t explicit in Mainstream Media until 1948.

Kinsey’s data was fraudulent. He classed prostitutes as “married” giving the idea that the average American woman was “getting down and dirty” – this was simply not true.

“Playboy touched off a mass sex industry, which has reflected Kinsey’s false data throughout its entire existence”.

He was captivated by Kinsey. Inspired by his fraudulent data and statistics on masturbation, bisexuality, homosexuality, virginity, adultery, swinging, and adult-child sex – became Hefner’s world view. Kinsey was his God. He rejected Christianity following in Kinsey’s footsteps, and he cited the “Kinsey Reports” extensively all through his life.

In 1953, the first ever publication of Playboy was released. This was to be the most disastrous “progressive” ideology EVER inflicted on man. I don’t say that lightly I can assure you. The beginning of an almost century long nightmare……Hugh Hefner, with Playboy, became Alfred Kinsey’s first, and most famous pamphleteer.

Dr Judith Reisman was an enemy of the sex industry, as she spent at least four decades trying to expose it. Unfortunately, Dr Reisman died in April 2021 at age 85, and had still been working right up until the afternoon of her death. Totally dedicated to the cause. As someone who has spent a considerable amount of time researching Dr Reisman’s work, I am forever grateful to her and her team for exposing the most dangerous agenda to ever have been introduced and allowed to progress. She understood the impending dangers, especially to children.

Please read the full article in depth article HERE


Lou Collins

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