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‘Must-have’ weapons on sale at London Arms Fair

London hosts the world’s biggest arms fair next week, giving global weapons manufacturers a chance to exhibit their newest and deadliest wears. RT has compiled the essential wish list for any buyer.

Military technology advances at a rapid rate and this year’s Defence Security and Equipment International (DSEI) exhibition in London’s EXCEL Centre promises a finger-twitching array of new wears.

The international exhibition has established itself as the leading platform to view and purchase state-of-the-art equipment from the world’s defense and security industry.

Highlights on show include Israel’s latest ‘suicide’ drone, bullets which are able to steer themselves to a moving target, and a silent laser capable taking down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mid-flight.

Arms manufacturers do not publicize the price of their weapons, presumably because they cut deals with clients depending on how much they buy. As such it is not possible to list the going rate for each of these deadly gadgets.

Read more http://www.rt.com/uk/314948-london-arms-fair-weapons/

Lou Collins