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  • Digital Services Act Nearly a Reality for Europeans

    Digital Services Act Nearly a Reality for Europeans0

    EU reaches deal on Digital Services Act for “making the internet a safer space” by requiring social media platforms to more aggressively police their platforms than ever before. The provisional agreement reached today is subject to approval by the Council and the European Parliament. Lets have a look here & let me help translate this

  • Globalists Bypass The French Yet Again

    Globalists Bypass The French Yet Again0

    Once again, the French people are robbed of a sovereign leader & MAGA supporter Marine Le Pen. Globalist Bilderberg puppet Emmanuel Macron declares himself “Everyone’s President” as he claims 58.8% of the Vote. Yeah, right like the French or the world don’t know what’s going on here. As with the US presidential Elections this writer

  • Soros Wants To ‘Demolish Europe And Rig Elections’ Documents Reveal

    Soros Wants To ‘Demolish Europe And Rig Elections’ Documents Reveal0

    A trove of hacked documents liberated from the Soros Open Society Foundations reveals the systematic and anti-democratic techniques employed by Soros operatives as part of a far-left influence operation that critics say is part of Soros’ plan to “demolish Europe.” The Open Society Foundation documents reveal that Soros is using dark-money funnels to influence the